zondag 26 juni 2011

I was like omg and he was like omg and then she was like wtfbbq

I don't even know.

I just want to buy a pretty dress, that's all. :c

One of these four, to be more precise. But which one?

vrijdag 24 juni 2011

The best way to cure sadness..

Is to put on some bright blue nail polish. Yes.

In other news. Apparently Team Fortress 2 is now free. Which means you don't have to pay for it anymore!

- I can try to convince some friends to play TF2 with me
- Easy killz
- Huge amount of new people filling up pub servers. :c

However, I don't really care.

The thing I do care about with the new update and all that is the new ''Meet the..'' video!
Aaaand here it is!

I love this video so much. It's so well done, and hilarious as well. <3 medic forever.

woensdag 15 juni 2011

Psh. Red!

I really wanted to dye my hair blue again, but I might opt for red (again) instead. It's just so pretty.

Why am I so easily distracted and inspired at the same time by pretty pictures?

maandag 13 juni 2011

The Colour Yellow

Hello everyone who likes to read my blog.

Today´s topic is a very.. interesting colour.. yellow!

This is yellow.

Yellow is generally a very ugly colour, but it seems to be in style nowadays. I still hate the colour, though.

Some pictures with something yellow in it.

Alsjeblieft, Smofo.

zondag 5 juni 2011

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for meeee

So we went to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie yesterday, and it was really good. Great movie, made me laugh.

However, there were a few utter retards who were sitting in the row behind us who thought it was really necessary to repeat every single joke in the movie.
Every. Single. Joke

''LOL. Did you see what Jack just did? XDDDD''

They also had the nasty habit to read the subtitles aloud every so often, and shout ''I don't get it!'' at the, supposedly, harder to understand parts. For some reason, everyone else did seem to get those parts. I wonder why?

They did make some brilliant top tier comments, such as:
''Have fun jumping, Jack! XDDD'' when Jack fell off a cliff
''Oh Jack, you're so weird! XDDD'' when Jack did anything. Including breathing.

 Me, being a horribly confrontation-avoiding person didn't say anything, of course. I just sat there, and faced it.

At least the movie was good.

vrijdag 3 juni 2011

You know you're cool when

You trade Pokémon cards at work with random kids.

I just acquired a nice shiny Entei for one of my Arcanine cards. Life is good.

Paul says I need to update my blog

So here's an update. There you go. Have fun.